The Psychological Benefits of Breast Augmentation

The Psychological Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has been a popular procedure for many years. However, we are only starting to fully understand the psychological benefits of breast augmentation.
A More Open View

In recent years, plastic surgery has received a bit of a makeover. Surgical techniques are better than ever. And an increasing number of celebrities have opened up about how plastic surgery has helped keep them looking young and fit. Together, these two trends initiated a cultural shift towards acceptance that allows patients to fully engage in the process of self-transformation. And they can do it without the weight of unnecessary embarrassment.

This more open and engaged patient base has effectively changed the way scientists look at plastic surgery. Fewer patients are ashamed that they wanted plastic surgery in the first place. So, psychologists and other mental health experts can look at the effects of plastic surgery for the first time. By removing embarrassment from the equation, researchers can ask a wider variety of questions about the link between physical change and human psychology. So far, their results are fascinating.

The Psychological Benefits of Breast Augmentation: Looking at the Research

Over the last decade, several long-term studies have found that some cosmetic procedures positively affect the patient’s psychological well-being. Breast augmentation, in particular, shows one of the highest rates of patient satisfaction. Patients typically report that they feel more feminine and physically attractive as a result of their breast augmentation.

Researchers theorize that this may be the reason behind the boost in self-esteem. And it could correspond to the improvement in mental health about one month after surgery. The scientists leading these studies agree that there is still much we don’t know. But there does seem to be a link between cosmetic surgery and the psychological benefits shown in their research. And they hope to learn more through future studies.

Understanding Mental Health and Breast Augmentation

Overwhelmingly, women who undergo breast augmentation report a boost in confidence once they are done healing and can go about their business normally. Many patients report that the procedure:

  • Helps their clothes to fit better
  • Makes them feel more womanly
  • Improves their sex lives by allowing them to feel more attractive when intimate

By improving the patient’s view of themselves and strengthening the relationships they hold most dear, breast augmentation can have a noticeably positive impact on the patient’s psychological well-being. Thus there are some psychological benefits of breast augmentation.

However, surgery is never something to be taken lightly. And every patient should weigh potential risks before making a decision.

Deciding on Breast Augmentation

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, then your first step should be contacting a board-certified plastic surgeon. As an expert in the field, your surgeon will be able to guide you through the breast augmentation process by starting with the changes you would like to see and carefully choosing the options that are best suited to you. Depending on your needs, you may opt for a traditional breast implant surgery. Or you may choose a more natural breast augmentation Houston achieved through fat transfer.

Based on your decision, Dr. Linville can give you a realistic idea of the potential risks and the necessary healing process. It may seem a little overwhelming at first. So take your time to mull over your options and ask any questions that come to mind. Your surgeon wants you to feel safe and secure in your choices, as this will directly relate to your mental state before surgery and the healing process afterward.

Best Cosmetic Surgeon Houston

Research shows that most patients appear to feel more like themselves about four weeks after the procedure. As they return to their normal social lives, the psychological benefits tend to appear in response to positive interactions with friends and loved ones. If, at any point, you begin to feel anxious or depressed, don’t hesitate to contact a mental health professional to ensure you receive the care you need.


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