How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle After Liposuction

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle After Liposuction

Whether you are a recent plastic surgery patient in Houston or you are a prospective client weighing your medical options, you have likely heard about liposuction. There are many benefits to managing body fat with this technique, as this is a totally customizable treatment. Not to mention, liposuction can be performed alone or in tandem with another aesthetic procedure to fully shape your body the way you want. Below, we cover how to maintain a healthy lifestyle after liposuction.

How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle After Liposuction

One of the biggest concerns we receive is about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle after liposuction. While the procedure can remove and relocate stubborn pockets of fat, it does not eliminate the ability to gain weight altogether. You still need to work hard to ensure that your liposuction results stay that way for good. You might just want to keep fat away from your body anyway, so engaging in a good diet and exercise routine can be very helpful. Try these 6 tips below after your liposuction recovery.

Eat a Healthy Diet

This may go without saying, but what you put in your body is just as important as what you get out of it when you go to the gym. This is a great opportunity to assess the state of your everyday dietary health by going over your favorite foods. Eating the right things, like fresh produce and lean protein, can help you retain results and avoid gaining weight in the long run. Try to avoid white sugars and trans fats, as these substances can contribute to weight gain more easily.

Start Working Out

The best way to start managing your weight is to…well, start! You can create a simple workout plan by visiting the gym or using a machine at home on a regular basis. Just 30 minutes of cardio a few days per week can help you burn extra fat and keep your shape together. You may already have a great workout routine going and you just need help with some pockets of stubborn fat; either way, sticking to the gym is a great way to maintain your liposuction results.

Always Stay Hydrated

Remember to keep drinking water. While some people avoid water for fear of retaining additional weight, it is actually better to drink as much water as you can to stay hydrated. Dehydration is a much bigger contributor to weight gain than water hydration. In fact, drinking a lot of water can even help you shed a few extra pounds, as water burns calories and speeds up your metabolism.

Stop Sitting Around

The easiest way for you to maintain your liposuction results and keep weight off is to just keep moving. By engaging in a sedentary lifestyle and sitting around all the time, you are allowing pockets of fat to build up all over the body again. Liposuction does not guarantee permanent results, but it does guarantee a slimmer and trimmer shape as long as you are willing to put in the work to maintain it.

Stop Drinking and Smoking

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your body. Not only is tobacco a carcinogen, but it contains other hazardous materials that stick to your lungs. Smoke can severely damage your internal organs while also restricting your blood arteries, making it more difficult for blood to flow through them. This can slow down the healing process, ruining the results of your brand-new liposuction.

Get Rid of Stress

Stressful situations happen all the time and it can be nearly impossible to avoid it all. However, there are some great steps you can take to reduce stress at home and stop your body from gaining weight as a defense mechanism. Going for evening walks, picking up gardening, or starting a housework project can help you relieve physical energy while healing your mind. If you find yourself buried under the burdens of work, school, and family life, seek the help of a mental health professional who can help you maintain balance in all aspects of your world.

Learn More About Your Liposuction Options Today

As a versatile and highly adaptable cosmetic treatment, liposuction offers a way to enhance areas of your body that are not affected by your gym workouts. If you need a little extra help getting rid of stubborn fat, this may be the perfect procedure for you.

Visit us online to learn more about our unique techniques and safety practices surrounding this procedure. It is possible to look and feel the way you want without going through extensive rounds of surgeries. Instead, reach out to Dr. Cain Linville and ask about our quick and easy liposuction treatments. We look forward to helping you find your inner and outer harmony!


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