This patient is a 38 year old female who received liposuction with bodytite to her abdomen and back. Brazilian buttock lift to help shape and contour her silhouette. These photos are 4 months post op.
55 yr old underwent tummy tuck with hernia repair along with Brazilian butt lift. Injected 300 cc to each side to improve projection and shape.
This patient is a 30 year old female who received liposuction with fat grafting to buttocks (BBL). These photos are 5 months post op.
40 year old underwent tummy tuck with liposuction to abdomen and flanks. Brazilian buttock lift with 470 cc injected on each side to improve projection and shape.
This patient is a 29 year old female who received liposuction with fat grafting to buttocks (BBL). These photos are 2 months post op.
This patient is a 27 year old female who underwent a tummy tuck, 360 lipo with bodytite, and fat grafting to buttocks (BBL). These photos are 6 months post op.
42 year old underwent tummy tuck revision, liposuction 360 with bodytite. Brazilian buttock lift with 800 cc injected on each side for shape and contour with bodytite to banana roll for improved buttock crease.
This patient is a 39-year-old female who received a thigh lift, body lift, liposuction to abdomen, back, flanks, lateral thighs, medial thighs, submental area, and bra-line with bodytite to abdomen, flanks, bra-line, back, thighs, and arms. She also received facetite to the submental area with filler to her chin. The patient received fat grafting to her buttocks (BBL). These photos are 3 months post-op.
This patient is a 34 year old female who underwent a mini tummy tuck with lipo to abdomen and flanks and fat grafting to buttocks (BBL). These photos are 11 months post op.
This patient is a 40 year old female who received a tummy tuck with liposuction to her abdomen and flanks with bodytite to her abdomen and flanks. She received fat grafting to her buttocks (BBL). These photos are 6 months post op.