Is It Normal to Have Different Sized Breasts?

Is It Normal to Have Different Sized Breasts?

Many patients worry about the size of their breasts, especially when one might be slightly bigger than the other. Is something wrong? And is it normal to have different-sized breasts?

Is It Normal to Have Different Sized Breasts?

Don’t worry, it is totally normal to have breasts that are different sizes. There is usually never a cause for concern; however, if this imbalance is causing you to hate the look of your body, then it is time to seek out breast asymmetry correction in Houston. Here’s everything you need to know about breast asymmetry and your best treatment options.

Causes of Breast Asymmetry

Breast asymmetry can be something as simple as a subtle size difference between two breasts, or it can be more severe, where the volume and position of the breasts are different from each other as well. No matter the type or severity of asymmetry, rest assured that this is a normal experience. In fact, over 88% of people deal with asymmetrical breasts.

A chest wall analysis will determine the cause of this asymmetry, which could be one of the following:

  • Juvenile hypertrophy. While uncommon, this condition develops at a young age and causes one breast to be far bigger than the other.
  • Puberty. Changes in puberty and hormones can cause a growing person to experience imbalances in the chest. This may apply to other areas of the body as well.
  • Pregnancy. Your breasts can change size when you are ovulating or pregnant, especially as your body retains water.

Your asymmetry issues can be corrected with breast reduction or augmentation surgery, which will help bring balance to your chest and create a more pleasing shape.

Types of Breast Asymmetry

A full diagnostic test will determine the type of asymmetric breasts you are dealing with. There are four major types of breast asymmetry that can be treated through various procedures and treatments by our Houston surgeon.

Focal Asymmetry

Diagnostics may show that there is a mass on one or both of your breasts. This type of asymmetry does not confirm that the mass is cancerous, but it does let the doctors know that there is an outside source affecting the shape of your breasts.

Typical Asymmetry

Most breasts have regular asymmetry, which means that your breasts are different sizes. But there are no abnormalities or masses that come up in the tests. They could be asymmetrical as a result of your natural growth or hormones.

Global Asymmetry

Hormones can contribute to certain parts of the body getting bigger than others. If global asymmetry is centered in the breasts, you may notice that one is larger than the other.

Developing Asymmetry

Developing asymmetry means that you were not born with this asymmetry; rather, it grew suddenly and without cause. This could mean that there is a mass inside of your breasts that could potentially be malignant.

Additional testing and results can determine the best course of action for treatment. If no malignant mass is found, then you should start thinking about making an appointment for the best plastic surgery in Houston.

Balance Your Breasts and Get a Beautiful Body Today!

At the office of Dr. Cain Linville, we specialize in helping patients bring out their inner beauty and love the way they look. If you have been dealing with breast asymmetry and you are tired of hiding your chest because you are feeling self-conscious, this is the perfect opportunity for you to seek out the best plastic surgery options.

Get in touch with Dr. Cain Linville and his team of friendly experts at your earliest convenience. You can schedule a one-on-one consultation to determine your individual needs and come up with a personalized care plan.


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