How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation

How to Sleep After Breast Augmentation

Having a major surgery takes its toll on the body. If you have just had a breast augmentation procedure done, it is essential that you take the right steps to proper aftercare and a good night’s sleep.

Throughout the healing process, your sleep patterns may be interrupted by pain, swelling, compression, or shortness of breath. This can make it difficult to rest and recover as best as you can. Our experts have solutions that can help you get your daily life back on track by giving you better sleep.

We recommend that you initially sleep sitting up, as it will be more comfortable to take the weight and pressure off of your chest area. As you heal, you can gradually return to sleeping on your back.

Below, you’ll find some of the best methods to help you sleep after breast augmentation.

Put On the Garments

After your breast augmentation procedure, your doctor may provide you with compression garments. This may seem uncomfortable and painful against your new breasts, but it helps to keep the area from swelling while holding the implants in place.

Wear these garments while you sleep to keep the treated areas protected. Once you are asleep, you have no control over your movements, so it’s important to keep your compression garments on so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself further.

Sleep in a Reclining Position

As we mentioned at the beginning, it’s best to start off by sleeping in a recliner instead of in bed. Authorities like Plastic Surgery Source recommend lying on your back with your upper body slightly elevated, at least for the initial few nights while your sensitive areas are still recovering.

You are at risk for several negative side effects during the first week or two of recovery. One of the more common risks is the buildup of fluids in your abdomen and upper body. To avoid this buildup, you need to keep your chest raised above the rest of your body while you sleep.

Laying on Your Back

After the initial one to two weeks have gone by, you may start laying in bed again. However, we recommend only lying on your back while continuing to avoid lying on your stomach or side. While lying on your back, you are getting rid of any pressure that might be placed on your chest. This makes for easier breathing and reduced risk of complications.

Get Moving!

Want to continue reducing the risk of complications while speeding up your healing process? Move around during the day! Once you are awake, try doing little things to keep active throughout your day. Go for short walks, do some light cleaning around the house, or take a visit to your favorite store if you are feeling up to it.

Do not get into any strenuous or serious physical activity right away. You shouldn’t be jumping to get back at the gym anytime soon. While exercise and workouts must still be avoided, there are plenty of ways you can remain active and keep your blood flowing.

The more active you are, the better you will be at reducing the risk of blood clots and other life-threatening issues. Not to mention, moving around during the day can help you become more tired at night, paving the way for a good night’s sleep!

Plan Your Successful Breast Augmentation Today

Breast augmentation is a big deal, and there are many things you will need to do to prepare for proper recovery. One of the best ways to have a successful post-op is to make sure you are focusing on your own health and well-being. You need to continue having a good night’s sleep, so you are rested and energetic throughout the day. This will help you heal from the surgery, so you can spend more time admiring its results!

Dr. Linville and our team of friendly experts are here to answer any of your questions or concerns. To schedule a consultation or discuss options, contact us online. You can also give us a call at (713) 300-2567 at your earliest convenience.


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