How Skin Changes As You Age

How Skin Changes As You Age

Dermatologists suggest that up to 80% of all visible aging is caused by UV radiation. While we all wish we could go back and regularly dip ourselves in sunscreen, we would still experience some of the natural effects of aging. Let’s look at how skin changes as you age.

How Skin Changes As You Age

There are several changes that you can expect to see in your skin as the decades pass. Fortunately, many of them can be mitigated with a bit of proactive skincare.

A Thinning Epidermis

Your skin is made up of three distinct layers. The outermost layer is called the epidermis. It’s a protective layer that helps to preserve moisture while preventing the lower layers from sustaining damage.

Your epidermis will age in a number of ways. Most noticeably, it will become thinner. The number of cells will be exactly the same, but they become more compressed. Without its natural thickness, your epidermis may develop folds, aka wrinkles.

To address these changes, talk to your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon about chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, and injectables. Each of these treatments can help to tighten the skin, but each option works better for specific patients.

A Shift in Your Pigmented Cells

You may also notice that your skin becomes slightly paler as your pigmented cells decrease. The pigmented cells that are left will become bigger, congregating near areas where your skin has been damaged by the sun.

These changes may cause you to develop age spots where you’ve had sun damage in the past. The rest of your skin will lose some of its color, appearing slightly translucent if you were already pale. The good news is that laser skin resurfacing in Houston can help to even out your complexion.

A Loss of Connective Tissue

As we age, our skin produces less collagen and elastin. These changes may rob your skin of its youthful plumpness and make it less elastic.

These changes will exacerbate existing wrinkles, create hollows under the eyes, and make your skin look slightly “weather-beaten.” Fortunately, collagen and hyaluronic fillers can be used to fill in those gaps, restoring a more youthful bounce to your skin.

Your Blood Vessels Are Fragile

The delicate blood vessels under your skin become even more fragile as you age. They may be consistently visible if you have paler skin, and they’re far more likely to break or bruise. You can talk to your board-certified plastic surgeon to help find solutions if you have a more severe case.

Your Sebaceous Glands Produce Less Oil

As we age, we sweat less and we generally produce less oil on our skin. While it may sound great if you’ve had oily skin your entire life, it is actually disastrous for your skin.

Aging skin can be excruciatingly dry. It’s uncomfortable for you, and it makes you look so much older. While cosmetic products are improving what they have available to aging customers, it may be worth looking into a hydrating filler.

Beating Time at its Own Game

There’s no point in fighting the truth. Your skin will age. However, that doesn’t mean you have to age right away. Dermatology and cosmetic treatments have come so far in the past decade that you can effectively delay the aging process for years.

While you may eventually need cosmetic surgery in Houston, your board-certified cosmetic surgeon has plenty of nonsurgical options to support your skin goals through middle age. You can choose from a wide range of topical treatments, laser-assisted procedures, and injectable fillers to gradually address aging as it comes.

In slowing the overall process, you’ll be amazed at just how long you can preserve your skin and its youthful glow.


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