How Much Fat Does A Neck Lift Remove?

How Much Fat Does A Neck Lift Remove?

A neck lift can provide a patient’s neck area with definition, grace, and renewed beauty. These are some of the reasons that the procedure has become so popular in recent years. Below we look at how much fat does a neck lift remove?

How Much Fat Does A Neck Lift Remove?

If you’re curious about receiving this type of treatment, then you might be wondering exactly how much fat a neck lift removes from your neck area during the procedure.

The answer to this varies heavily from patient to patient. Because of this, you’ll go over what to expect with your physician prior to your operation when looking into neck liposuction in Houston.

Neck Lifts: A Summary

As the years wear on, gravity and other stressful elements begin to take their toll on the skin surrounding the neck and face.

At certain points, this can result in sagging and loosening that ultimately appears quite unattractive.

Other fat deposits can coagulate and result in the formation of a double chin, another feature that is considered unattractive in our culture.

A neck lift is a surgery designed to combat these elements by tightening and sculpting the regions of the neck and jaw that are affected by these elements.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, neck lifts may ultimately play a medical role as well. This can all be discussed in depth with your physician prior to the operation.

A successful neck lift can have very dramatic overall results, sometimes taking years off of one’s appearance. Even more modest results will serve to rejuvenate and enliven this area of the body.

How Much Fat Is Removed?

As stated earlier, this can vary heavily from individual to individual. However, generally speaking, physicians will aim for a sweet spot in terms of how much fat they attempt to remove.

This is because removing too little can leave the patient feeling unsatisfied or like the operation is incomplete. On the other hand, removing too much can actually be medically unsafe.

Removing too much fat can also result in surgical appearances that appear unnatural or uncanny. For this reason, it’s difficult for physicians to make blanket statements about how much fat should generally be removed.

Fat Removal Techniques

There are several methods employed during a neck lift to remove excess fat. The primary is through invasive surgical techniques.

In these situations, a doctor will make several incisions and mold the skin and fat of the neck region in order to redefine it.

On top of the classic invasive surgery techniques, your physician may also decide to utilize other non-invasive techniques for fat removal.

Some of these include things like injectables that break down fat cells in the body. There are several varieties of these types of substances. One example is known as Kybella.

Preparing For Your Neck Lift

Many of the things one can do in order to prepare for their neck lift are simply things that are beneficial for one’s health and well-being in general.

Some of these things include:

  • Getting plenty of rest and exercise
  • Possibly quitting smoking for a few weeks prior to your procedure
  • Modifying your alcohol intake
  • Adjusting your intake of certain prescriptions or medications
  • Arranging your home and personal life for your post-surgery period.

On top of these common preparations, your physician may also have other recommendations for you based on your personal medical situation.

You can do your part by being proactive with your physician prior to the procedure and letting them know your set of concerns.

Discussing Your Personal Case

Speaking with your physician about your personal set of aesthetic goals will help the two of you determine what exactly your personal amount of fat that is to be removed should be.

During this pre-surgical consultation, you’ll also discuss many other relevant bits of information surrounding your upcoming surgery.

Some of the elements that you may discuss with your physician will include things like:

  • Your personal aesthetic goals
  • Your medical situation
  • Any history of surgeries
  • Your family’s medical history

On top of these commonly addressed issues, you may also discuss any anxieties or worries that you might have surrounding your upcoming procedure.

All in all, it serves to ensure that you’ll be more satisfied with your overall results.

Houston’s Neck Lift Expert

Dr. Linville and the rest of the team at Linville Plastic Surgery are consummate experts in the art and craft of neck lifts. If you’re considering receiving this type of treatment but aren’t sure how to approach it, then schedule a consultation and find out why we’re considered the premier locale for cosmetic surgery in Houston.


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