Caring for Your Skin after a Facelift

Caring for Your Skin after a Facelift

A facelift is a procedure used to resituate the skin on your face and neck with the purpose of reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It is by far the best option if you’re looking for drastic results, but it’s also a major surgery. Complete recovery takes several months, and your final results will depend on how well you follow the instructions provided by your plastic surgeon. Below is our guide on caring for your skin after a facelift.

Caring for Your Skin after a Facelift

In this quick guide, we will review the basic rules you’ll want to keep in mind after surgery. Ideally, you can use this information to help decide if a facelift is right for you. If it seems like a little too much for you to handle at this time, you can always discuss a mini-facelift or injectable options with your plastic surgeon in Houston. These procedures offer more subtle results, but with little to no downtime afterward. However, if you really want jaw-dropping results, this is what you can expect after a facelift.

There Will Be Bandages

Once your surgery is complete, your surgeon will wrap your entire head in bandages. These compression bandages help to support your recovery by controlling the level of swelling. In some cases, your surgeon may also place drains behind your ears to make sure that excess fluid has a way to safely exit.

Avoid Medications Unless They Have Been Cleared by Your Surgeon

Any medication with blood-thinning properties should be avoided if at all possible. These medications can make bruising and swelling worse, which can seriously impede your recovery. In order to make sure none of your medications are going to interfere with your procedure and recovery, talk to your surgeon about any and all medications you take regularly. If it hasn’t been cleared by your surgeon, don’t risk taking it until at least two weeks after surgery.

You Have to Keep Your Head Elevated

During the first two to three days, it’s incredibly important to keep your head elevated. That means propping yourself up on pillows whenever you sleep. The elevation will help facilitate healing by making it easier for your body to reduce swelling and bruising. This part is incredibly important, as failing to do so could do tremendous harm to your results.

You Must Rest

This is a major procedure, and you should not do anything remotely taxing for at least two weeks. That includes basic things like cleaning house. For those two weeks, be prepared to have someone else take care of household chores, cooking, and child care/pet care.

It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better

Bruising and swelling are normal side effects of this procedure. Bruising typically takes about a week to fade, but you could experience minor swelling up to two months after the procedure. As a result of this swelling, your skin may feel a bit tight during that time. In some cases, you may experience some temporary numbness as well. This will wear off as you heal. About two months after the procedure, you should see your final result.

Long-term Facelift Care

In order to maintain your results, you will need to take care of your skin for the rest of your lift. The good news is that proper skincare doesn’t have to be hard. Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to take care of your skin from the inside out. To give yourself a hand, you should also cleanse and moisturize your face with products approved by your dermatologist. Last but not least, you will want to avoid sun damage to keep your skin looking youthful for years after your facelift in Houston.


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