Can You Combine Breast Surgery Procedures?

Can You Combine Breast Surgery Procedures?

There are many different breast procedures available to address patients’ unique needs. From a breast augmentation to a breast lift, you can enhance and contour your body in ways that ultimately bring out your inner confidence and harmony. But the question is, can you combine breast surgery procedures if you are looking to achieve more than one kind of cosmetic look? Is it possible to have both a lift and an augmentation, for example? Can you combine breast surgery procedures?

Can You Combine Breast Surgery Procedures?

Next time you get a breast lift in Houston, feel free to ask our experts if you are a good candidate for a combined breast procedure. Below, we will describe how easy it is to combine certain breast surgery procedures in a unique way, helping you get closer to your aesthetic goals.

Defining Breast Augmentation

Easily the most popular type of breast surgery on the market today, a breast augmentation is designed to help you get fuller and more symmetrical breasts. If you are dealing with a chest that is sunken or misaligned, an augmentation can help you bring out a new aesthetic beauty. Our medical professionals would be delighted to address your breast concerns and help you attain a more substantial appearance that fits your overall style.

This is the most well-known breast procedure as it addresses many of the sags and misalignments that can happen over time. As a result of aging or injury, your breasts can start to sag or get wrinkled. This excess skin may make you feel that your chest is visually unappealing, but a simple surgery can help you restore your breasts back to great shape. But augmentations don’t always last forever just on their own. How can we ensure your breast augmentation remains upright, smooth, and just the way you desire? The answer: with a one-of-a-kind breast lift.

Understanding a Breast Lift

The perfect procedure to pair with an augmentation is a lift, which can help you maintain the voluminous and perky results you get from your augmentation. Let’s learn more about breast lifts so you can understand how they are distinctly different from other types of breast procedures:

A breast lift, also referred to as mastopexy, complements breast augmentation effectively. While augmentation can provide the breasts with a more defined shape and volume, it may not lift the breasts adequately to achieve a fuller appearance. A breast lift is pivotal in removing breast folds and reshaping them to support implants or augmentation.

Why Combine Breast Surgery Procedures?

As one of the most common procedures in the world, a combined breast lift and augmentation help patients get the absolute best and longest-lasting results without having to sign up for multiple procedures. Additional benefits of a combined surgery can include:

  • Reparations to the chest wall and the breasts to reverse years of damage and aging
  • Many surgeons can perform both procedures concurrently, saving time, reducing stress, and minimizing costs for the patient
  • Mastopexy is also an option for fat grafting augmentation, as an alternative to implants

Feel free to contact our experts anytime if you have questions about either of these procedures. Our surgeons are eager to discuss your needs and guide you in determining the best plan for you.

Scheduling Your Combined Breast Surgery Appointment

There are both physical and financial benefits to combining your surgeries into a unique procedure that fits your needs. If this sounds like the right choice for you, you might wonder how you can even get started with a procedure like this. First, you should contact one of our plastic surgery experts in Houston and schedule a consultation. During your meeting with Dr. Linville, you will be able to address your main concerns surrounding your breasts. The doctor will recommend a procedure that best fits your desires and your style.

You will be given a list of instructions to follow after your surgery so you know exactly how to give yourself the best possible results. Recovery may take a few weeks, so you should plan to take some time off before you commit to the procedure.

Learn More About Our Innovative Breast Procedures in Houston

Our state-of-the-art Houston plastic surgery office is equipped with the best team and the best techniques to help you embrace the most beautiful parts of your body. No matter what kind of breast procedure you are looking for, we offer a unique approach that tailors your needs with a combination of effective surgeries. Learn more about the best options available to help you revitalize, rejuvenate, and embrace your breasts by contacting our Houston office at your earliest convenience.


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