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Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects functional and aesthetic concerns with the nose. It is consistently one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, and for good reason. As the nose is the centerpiece of the facial profile, it receives the most attention from both others and ourselves. It literally goes ahead of us wherever we go.

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For many, rhinoplasty is more than just a cosmetic procedure. It corrects nasal deformities, restores facial harmony, and, most importantly, improves breathing. All of these can have a profound impact on your well-being and quality of life. At Linville Plastic Surgery, Dr. Cain Linville and his team bring experience, skill, and care to every procedure

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Benefits of a Rhinoplasty:

Our noses serve as a centerpiece for how we present ourselves and for our respiratory system. Both practical and aesthetic, a rhinoplasty can serve multiple purposes at once.

Some include:

  • Improved breathing
  • Improved nasal contour and profile
  • Better confidence and self-perception

Expected Results

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What is Special About Rhinoplasty?

At Linville Plastic Surgery in Houston, we believe that a nose job should be an individualized procedure. Dr. Linville’s attention to detail and artistic eye leaves you with a nose that matches both your unique facial profile.

The procedure can help correct nasal trauma, deformity, or injury. With your central feature restored, you can once again take joy in your appearance and build self-confidence.

No two noses are alike. Dr. Linville strives to keep you looking like yourself. He uses his experience and skill to deliver a nose that is in perfect harmony with your face. Our goal is to avoid a “surgical” look by staying true to your appearance.

Am I a Rhinoplasty Candidate?

There are both medical and aesthetic reasons to have a rhinoplasty procedure performed, and they often overlap. Nasal irregularities can lead to difficulty breathing and even inhibit your sense of smell. Others can make you more vulnerable to infections and chronic sinusitis.

Rhinoplasty candidates can include patients with a deviated septum or another obstructing airway issue. Also, patients seeking cosmetic improvement of a dorsal hump or correction of a bulbous tip can be candidates for surgery.


Age Range

The good news is that there is not really an upper limit to the age for this procedure. We understand that you may need to address concerns with your nose at any point in life. However, we advise that young individuals wait until their noses have reached adult size before considering a rhinoplasty. This is usually about 13-15 years in females, and 16-17 in males.

As with any plastic surgery, having realistic expectations of what a nose job can do is a vital part of being a candidate.

New Techniques in Nose Job Houston

Nose jobs are procedures that have certainly evolved in recent years. There are even some non-surgical nose job techniques for a less invasive experience. Refinements in methodology and new approaches have both improved results and speed up recovery. Current methods are safer and more reliable than ever!

A perfect nose job is both noticeable and subtle. It should look as if it was the nose you had at birth.

Some of Dr. Linville’s favorite rhinoplasty method include:

  • Percutaneous Osteotomy: This means performing the procedure through the smallest possible working incision. Dr. Linville utilizes this whenever possible to effect a subtle narrowing of the nasal bones. The result allows for enhanced healing and less bruising.
  • Tip Refinement: This is done in most cases to narrow or define a bulbous or boxy tip, but these again are subtle changes.
  • Spreader Grafts: These keep the airway open while simultaneously allowing for narrowing of the bony vault. They also help straighten the septum and define the dorsal aesthetic lines.


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Nose Job Recovery and Downtime

Is There Pain?

Dr. Linville works diligently to help minimize pain and discomfort with the use of anesthetics and medications.

Most patients do not experience sharp pain after surgery, but rather a slight discomfort. It is also normal to feel “stopped up.” If the pain becomes excessive, medication can prescribe medication.

Dressing, Splints, Bandages?

How your nose is dressed may depend on the type and extent of your surgery. Dressings may be internal or external.

For nearly all procedures, you can expect to wear a splint for the first seven days after surgery. Also, expect to have internal splints during that time.

Taking Care of Yourself

During this time, you need to take extra care to allow healing. Dr. Linville will provide you with a full list of care instructions to facilitate recovery. The first week will be a crucial period. Take care of your nose well to achieve the best results and speed up recovery.

After seven days, he removes the splint. A significant reduction in swelling can be expected after two weeks. Final results are usually not wholly evident until after a year. However, as each day goes by, you’ll see yourself changing and improving.

Recovery and results are the product of teamwork between Dr. Linville, his team, and you. They conduct the surgery, but it is up to you to nurture their changes. Anticipating and being prepared to care for yourself after surgery is crucial for an excellent recovery.

Be strong. Be confident. Be the star of your own life


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Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Just as every nose should be unique and fitting, all noses should not be resculpted to look alike. We avoid suggesting nasal shapes or structures that do not match your natural nose shape. Rhinoplasty is a practice of subtlety and restraint.

There are several key factors for a successful nose job:

  • Maintaining a certain amount of nasal width
  • Keeping lower cartilage height
  • Maintaining nasal projection

Achieving these while making a significant change is the most challenging and beautiful aspect of this surgery. Dr. Linville appreciates the unique ethnic differences in nasal structures. He makes sure to maintain that individuality in your results.

Take the First Step Today

That first step is to schedule a consultation. Dr. Linville will meet with you to discuss your goals. He and his staff seek to build relationships with patients, working with them each step of the way.

Dr. Linville then determines if you are a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty. He goes over goals of surgery, expectations, and make you feel comfortable with the procedure. From that point on, Dr. Linville and his staff work to make you comfortable. They are by your side before, during, and after your surgery.

Even if rhinoplasty isn’t for you, Dr. Linville will work to find a plan that matches your specific needs. We offer a range of both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Dr. Linville’s track record of proven success is sure to push you toward achieving your ideal self.


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