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Life can throw all manner of changes at our bodies. From aging to pregnancy, it is not uncommon for you to see loose skin or excess fat that just won’t go away. But advanced surgical techniques can allow you to achieve a body that fills you with confidence and pride. With a body lift at Linville Plastic Surgery, you can take back control of your body and appearance.

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At Linville Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most advanced forms of plastic surgery. Each procedure is fully tailored to meet your unique needs. And we are with you every step of the way. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Linville has helped countless patients reach their goals and achieve newfound confidence in their bodies. Call us today to get started on reaching your aesthetic goals and being the best you.

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What Is a Body Lift?

A body lift is a procedure that aims to enhance the shape and tone of your abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Excess fat and skin are removed, then the areas are tightened to provide a stunning improvement in shape. You might want to target only one area, or you may like to target all three. In every case, we fully personalize each body lift to perfectly match your unique needs.

A body lift can help restore tightness to areas where your skin has become loose or lost its elasticity. This can happen for a range of reasons, including:

  • Aging
  • Pregnancy
  • Significant changes in weight
  • Genetic factors
  • Sun damage

But a body lift can restore these areas to a firmer look and feel. Instead of being a source of anxiety, these regions of your body can fill you with pride and confidence.

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Is a Body Lift Right for Me?

The first step to seeing if a body lift is right for you is to schedule a consultation. During your personal meeting with Dr. Linville, he will assess your situation. You will have the chance to fully express your goals and expectations. A body lift may be right for you if you want to improve the tone of the following areas.

  • Abdominal area: including around your sides and reaching to the lower back area
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs: including the outer, inner, and posterior thigh

In order to have a body lift, there are also several qualifications for patients. These standards ensure that you will be a good candidate and see optimal results.

  • Be in generally good health
  • Have reached a stable, healthy weight
  • Avoid smoking before and after the surgery
  • Have healthy expectations about the procedure
  • Have a certain amount of skin elasticity is a plus

What Is the Process Like?

After your consultation, Dr. Linville will provide you with instructions for how to prepare for your procedure. On the day of your procedure, you will most likely receive general anesthesia. This way, the entire process will be comfortable.

The amount of time for each procedure can vary. It depends on the areas you want to target and how much skin and fat need to be removed. However, they typically last from one hour to a couple hours. Dr. Linville will provide you with complete information before your surgery, so you will never be in the dark about any step.

We typically have patients remain in the hospital for 1-2 nights to ensure that everything is going well. Once Dr. Linville has decided that everything is in order, you can return home. However, you will need someone to drive you.


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What Is a Body Lift Recovery Like?

Following your surgery, we will apply dressings and bandages to the treated areas. Drains may also be used to take care of any excess fluid. After you are released from the hospital, the typical recovery period lasts about 4-6 weeks. During this time, it will be important to adhere to Dr. Linville’s instructions. By following the complete instructions he provides, you will not only minimize risk but will optimize your results.

As your recovery progress, you can gradually return to various tasks. And only after about 6-8 weeks can you return to exercise with Dr. Linville’s approval. Giving yourself time to heal and plenty of rest will be crucial during this period. There is no rush, and the better you treat yourself, the better you will look.

In the coming months, you will continue to see improvements in your results. While many patients report seeing final results several months after their surgery, some can take about a year to fully reach their potential. However, once you have your results they will be with you for years to come. You will be on your way to a life full of confidence and pride in your body. Dr. Linville will also provide instructions for how to keep your results as long-lasting as possible.

Will There Be Scarring?

Since a body lift uses incisions, there will be some scarring. However, Dr. Linville carefully places every incision so they are naturally hidden by the shapes of your body. He aims to make the visibility of each scar as minimal as possible. After all, the goal of the procedure is to provide you with a body to feel proud of, not to give you other challenges.

Also, proper healing and care for yourself after your procedure will minimize the appearance of any scars. By allowing your body to heal fully, you should see less drastic scarring. Dr. Linville will provide you with complete information on how to minimize scarring. There are also many non-surgical treatments available to further reduce the appearance of scars.


If the path be beautiful,
let us not ask where it leads.


Schedule Your Consultation Today

It is time to take that next step in achieving your ideal body. Schedule your consultation today to get started on reaching the body you have worked so hard towards with a body lift. Every step of the way, we work closely with you, providing a personalized professional experience. Call us today to learn more about how you can reach your aesthetic goals at Plastic Surgery Houston.


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