A septoplasty procedure, also known as a functional rhinopWoman after a septoplastylasty, aims to correct a deviated septum.


A deviated septum may occur if the nasal passage is off-center or crooked. At Linville Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to helping patients with both functional and plastic surgery in Houston.


What makes a deviated septum such a concern is that it can directly affect breathing ability. For some, it might be a minor inconvenience. But for others, this condition can lead to constant sinus problems and other breathing issues.

In such cases, it can begin to have a severe impact on your quality of life. Your favorite activities might become off-limits. Or certain climates may become unlivable. For example, cold weather could trigger nasal issues more easily.

These concerns are what septoplasty aims to address. By restoring your septum to a normal state, this procedure gives you back control over your breathing. Air will pass through your nasal pathways in a way you’d forgotten was possible.

woman smiling



Generally, candidates for this procedure suffer from a deviated septum. If this problem has been causing you trouble with breathing, you could likely benefit from this procedure. In addition to breathing concerns, there are a few other signs that your nose needs some attention.

  • Having frequent nosebleeds without an apparent reason
  • Snoring and interruptions in your (or your partner’s) sleep cycle
  • A seemingly endless line of sinus infections

Ultimately, candidacy will be determined through a consultation with Dr. Linville. However, if you experience any of the above, we recommend getting your septum checked out.

During the consultation, Dr. Linville will examine the nasal structure. Once done, he will discuss the patient’s symptoms and concerns to determine if they are a candidate for a septoplasty. He will then create a personalized procedure plan for the patient. Every step of the way, he will spend time informing the patient about any instructions.


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Firstly, this is a quick procedure that provides dramatically improved nasal relief. Patients may experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. This is entirely normal. One advantage of this procedure is that there is little to no visible bruising or swelling in this area afterward.

Upon completion, patients can enjoy a full night’s rest and fewer sinus infections right away. Patients may also experience more heightened senses. It is almost like living in a whole new world.


It’s important to note that this procedure does not alter the shape of the patient’s nose. Instead, it focuses on reshaping the interior to allow for better airflow. For changing your nose’s appearance, there are several other excellent options.

One common corrective method is a traditional rhinoplasty. Also called a nose job, this surgical procedure can alter the look of your nose through reshaping techniques.

There is also an option for a non-surgical nose job. The advantages of this cosmetic procedure are a lack of downtime and a less invasive method. The results are still noticeable but can be achieved with much more convenience.



Before beginning the procedure, patients are prepped and placed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Linville will reposition or remove targeted amounts of bone and cartilage. This is done through small incisions in the nose. Once the nasal structure is straight, he will place splints and gauze to help heal the nasal passageway. From start to finish, the whole thing typically takes around one hour to complete.

It is performed as an outpatient procedure. Still, you will require a ride home after surgery. Also, we recommend that patients do not drive at all until the next day. Let the anesthesia fully wear off to be safe. Besides, resting is your best path of action during this time.


As mentioned above, septoplasty doesn’t result in cosmetic changes. If patients would like to address any aesthetic changes, they can couple this procedure with others.

We recommend either a rhinoplasty or a non-surgical nose job. Just keep in mind that additional procedures will affect recovery and downtime.


It is recommended that patients elevate their head after surgery for the following 24 hours. Patients may experience slight swelling during the first few days of the septoplasty.

Following the procedure, Dr. Linville will schedule a follow-up consultation. During this visit, he can remove splints, monitor your recovery, and answer any questions.

Patients can return to work about a week after the procedure. Dr. Linville will determine the exact time based on how your healing progresses.

Improvements will be seen immediately. Still, you will continue to see positive changes as you heal further. You’ll breathe easier and easier as the year goes on.



Whether you have suffered for years or only recently noticed septum issues, Dr. Linville and his team are here to help. Schedule a consultation today to take the first step in breathing more freely. He works with you every step of the way. By listening to your unique needs and goals, he can provide a personalized treatment plan that matches you.

Linville Plastic Surgery is proud to offer top-quality plastic surgery in Houston while keeping the entire experience personalized. Dr. Cain Linville is dedicated to helping patients reach their goals and their ideal selves.


Plastic surgeon Cain Linville in Houston

Linville Plastic Surgery  

A plastic surgeon is an artist, a problem-solver, and a person who must think outside the box. As one of the few double board-certified plastic surgeons in the region, Dr. Cain Linville helps patients like you make dramatic transformations using his eye for detail and a tailored approach. He is affiliated with organizations like the:

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons - Fellow

If you're ready to explore the possibilities, book your free consultation or call our Houston office at (713)-300-2567.

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