Beautiful woman after a mommy makeoverThere is no denying that pregnancy and breastfeeding can hugely impact your body. Dealing with these changes can prove to be a big physical and emotional challenge. And bouncing back to your pre-baby body isn’t always possible on your own. But that is what a Mommy Makeover by Linville Plastic Surgery is for.


Where diet and exercise might not be enough, a mommy makeover helps restore areas of your body to their former glory. Or even further enhances them! As a mother, you deserve to look and feel your best. And a Mommy Makeover can help you reach those goals.


While many women who get the mommy makeover are mothers, those who aren’t mothers can also benefit from the procedures. In short, a Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures meant to target changes often caused by pregnancy and chidbirth. The goal: a full-body makeover that will leave you looking stunning.

Procedures that are commonly part of the Mommy Makeover include:

Every body is unique, so every Mommy Makeover is fully tailored to your needs. Some patients may choose to have the full set, while others may only need a couple of the procedures.

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You can feel the effects of pregnancy long after giving birth. And breastfeeding and aging only serve to contribute further to changes in your body. But you can take back control over your body with a Mommy Makeover! If you experience any of the following, contact our office for a consultation!

  • Have had children and want to regain your pre-baby body
  • Have not given birth but want to experience a full-body makeover
  • Women who have excess fat, sagging breasts, or are unhappy with the look of their abdomen

It is essential to be in good overall health and within a close range of your goal weight. Dr. Linville wants his patients to understand the impact this can have on their bodies. Also, he would like patients to realize that their expectations need to be realistic for both the procedure and the results.


Every procedure will be designed to help you achieve your unique pre-baby body. So planning is a big component. We work closely with each patient to develop their procedure and provide information about your recovery period.

For the procedures, we usually do all of them in a single day while you are under general anesthesia. However, most patients can return home either the same day or within 24 hours. You will need someone to drive you home. After that, rest is going to be your key ingredient in recovery.


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TOP MOMMY MAKEOVER PROCEDURES While every Mommy Makeover is uniquely tailored to the patient’s needs, these are some of the most common parts of the makeover.


Always a popular choice, this procedure allows you to achieve your ideal breast size and shape. It also helps restore lost volume due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or natural aging.


A breast lift focuses on lifting and restoring your breasts to a youthful and perky position. You can also receive implants or fat transfer to increase the size along with the shape.


This classic procedure removes sagging skin or fat from around the stomach area. It also targets abdominal muscles, tightening them to create a slimmer and sleeker look.


Liposuction is key for creating specific contours for your body. You can target certain areas or go for fuller contouring. Its results can reveal a slimmer and sleeker figure.


BodyTite is popular for its less invasive approach. It helps tighten skin and overall enhances the results of your liposuction procedure.


Taking time to rest and heal will be the most important steps in the recovery period. After your surgery, you will have some bandages, compression garments, and drains. These all are designed to ensure a safe and optimal recovery. For every step of your recovery period, Dr. Linville will provide you with complete instructions. So you will never be in the dark about what you should do to have things go smoothly.

You can expect some swelling, pain, and bruising after your procedure. But you should be able to manage all of these with the medication we prescribe for you. If you have any concerns about any part of your recovery, let us know and we will work out a solution with you. After a couple of weeks, everything should subside. However, full recovery can take a couple months to half a year, depending on your body and the procedures you chose.

There will be some initial scarring along the incision lines. But these will lessen in visibility as you continue to heal. Some may even fade completely. And later you can have scar reduction treatments to further improve them.



You will need to take things slowly in terms of getting back to your routine. It would be best to focus on resting and doing minimal physical activity for the first few weeks. A few tips include: Avoid reaching above your shoulders, as this can interrupt the healing process for your breasts. Keep your elbows close to your body, and avoid moving your shoulders as much as possible. Take care of your stomach area and refrain from bending at the waist. Each patient is unique in their recovery process. It will take roughly three months to feel back to yourself again. Most patients can get back to their regular daily routines within a few weeks. We recommend you slowly ease back into work and home life.


After your procedures, you will need to take time to rest and heal. You will have bandages, compression garments, and surgical drains. You may experience pain, swelling, and bruising, but these are all entirely normal. It should all subside within a few weeks. Also, you should take any prescribed pain medication to help with any residual pain. Complete recovery can take up to six months as everything settles.

Additionally, you will have some initial scarring. In the first six to eight weeks, your incisions will be red as your body starts to heal. After this, the scars will become less red, thinner, and will fade away within a year and a half.

You will need to take things slowly in terms of getting back to your routine. It would be best if you focused on resting and doing minimal physical activity for the first few weeks. Avoid reaching above your shoulders, as this can interrupt the healing process for your breasts. Keep your elbows close to your body, and avoid moving your shoulders as much as possible. You will also need to take care of your stomach area and refrain from bending at the waist.

Each patient is unique in their recovery process. It will take roughly three months to feel back to yourself again. Most patients can get back to their regular daily routines within a few weeks. We recommend you slowly ease back into work and home life.


It can take time to see the final results of your Mommy Makeover. Having a smooth recovery will be vital. But as you continue to heal, you will see improvements almost every day! As you let your body recover, your final results will gradually appear and you will see your complete body transformation come to reality.


Dr. Linville at Linville Plastic Surgery specializes in plastic surgery in Houston. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Linville focuses on providing patients with the best possible care and desired aesthetic results.

If you are interested in getting your Mommy Makeover, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Linville. Every procedure begins with this one-on-one meeting and a discussion about your goals and expectations. These will help him understand what procedures may be right for you. He can provide feedback and help manage your expectations. While the process may feel overwhelming, the surgeon can ease your apprehension and offer you all of the information you need to make your decisions. Choosing Linville Plastic Surgery to help you achieve your aesthetic goals is the first step in getting back to your pre-baby body!


Plastic surgeon Cain Linville in Houston

Linville Plastic Surgery  

A plastic surgeon is an artist, a problem-solver, and a person who must think outside the box. As one of the few double board-certified plastic surgeons in the region, Dr. Cain Linville helps patients like you make dramatic transformations using his eye for detail and a tailored approach. He is affiliated with organizations like the:

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons - Fellow

If you're ready to explore the possibilities, book your free consultation or call our Houston office at (713)-300-2567.

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