Beautiful woman after a brow liftYour skin loses a little bit of its elasticity every day. Exposure to the elements, stress, and age can all bring noticeable changes. The laxer your skin becomes, the more it will succumb to the pull of gravity. Tissue and fat deposits also disappear, lending you a more fatigued look. However, Dr. Cain Linville and his team are here to help you with these concerns. With a brow lift, you can restore a lively and full look to your upper face.


Offering the best plastic surgery Houston has, Dr. Linville is dedicated to helping you reach your goals. He is a double-board-certified plastic surgeon with the skills and passion needed to deliver the results you desire. He and his team work to develop and deliver cosmetic and reconstructive surgery that will help you live your best life.


Also called a forehead lift, this procedure aims at targeting forehead skin that has started showing signs of age. Drooping or wrinkled forehead skin can lend you a tired appearance, even if you still feel full of vigor inside. Your upper face and eye area may no longer reflect your inner self. A brow lift sets out to change this.

By targeting these areas, a brow lift can give you an appearance that is at once more rested looking, but also more vivacious. By matching your outer and inner selves, a brow lift can restore confidence and make you proud of how you look. Your brow works hard to express yourself to the world every day. It only makes sense that it would show some wear after a while.

Dr. Linville brings his experience and eye for aesthetic form together to deliver results that are at once natural, yet transformative. A forehead lift can also be part of a larger plan. You can combine it with other facial treatments to create a more complete makeover.

young woman showing forehead wrinkles


If forehead wrinkles and drooping skin have been affecting your quality of life, this procedure is likely for you. If you are ready to address your concerns, then the next step is a consultation. We recommend that patients be in good health before surgery. The healthier you are, the better your results will be. Your body will respond better to the forehead lift, and you’ll be happier with your new look.
Also, we advise avoiding smoking. Being a smoker does not disqualify you, but in the time leading up to your surgery, we recommend being tobacco-free. The same applies for during recovery. Being smoke-free before and after surgery will help bring you better results.

Lastly, patients should have healthy expectations. Knowing what a brow lift can and can’t do is essential to the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Linville will go over what your procedure will look like and what results you can expect.


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We strive to make every brow lift uniquely match each patient. Knowing this, each procedure will look a little different, and sometimes it is combined with other surgeries.

A forehead lift is minimally invasive. It is done through incisions above the hairline. Dr. Linville places the incisions so that they are naturally hidden above you hairline. The goal is to reduce or prevent any visible scarring.


Our goal is to provide our patients with a comfortable and relaxed experience. To keep the procedure as low-stress as possible, we offer both intravenous sedation and general anesthesia.

In either case, you’ll need someone to drive you home the day of the surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Linville can go over your options and help you select which one will make the experience most comfortable for you.


A Botulinum Toxin brow lift is often preferred over a traditional brow lift because the procedure is very fast and requires a minimal recovery period. Before you have the procedure, you will need to have a basic consultation with Dr. Linville. He may advise you to stop taking certain medications for a short period of time. On the day of the procedure, he will apply an anesthetic cream in order to reduce the pain of the injections. Then, Dr. Linville will inject the Botulinum Toxin around the problem areas.

Some mild side effects, such as soreness and headaches, may occur after the procedure, but they will dissipate within a week. If any severe, abnormal side effects occurs, such as trouble breathing, change in speech, or droopy brows, you should contact your doctor immediately.


There can be some variation to the amount of downtime associated with a forehead lift. Many of the factors relate to your type of surgery and whether or not you are having other procedures. In any case, Dr. Linville will provide you a full list of instructions on how to maximize your results and recovery.

A general outline looks something like this. For the first week, you can experience bruising and swelling. But this should subside after the second week.


A tight feeling around your forehead is normal as well. As your body becomes used to the new shape of your skin, it will soon fade. Some discomfort is also expected, but only in small amounts. It can even be managed with nothing more than ice-compresses and over-the-counter medication. If something more is needed, though, Dr. Linville can discuss prescribing pain medication.


We advise planning one to two weeks of downtime overall. You’ll want to give your body time to heal, and heal well. Physical activity should be minimal during the first week, and only light activity during week two. After two weeks, and if Dr. Linville gives you the go-ahead, you can return to work.

However, we still advise that you take it easy in the following weeks. You can still have some activity, but your body will appreciate as much rest as it can get.



Linville Plastic Surgery in Houston is proud to offer top-quality plastic surgery to Houston. If your skin and facial expression are not aligned with who you truly are, we can help you reach your goals. Schedule a consultation today to take that first step. In your consultation, Dr. Linville will work with you to develop a plan that matches your goals and expectations. Each treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs.

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Linville strives for excellence in every procedure. His proven track record shows that he has successfully helped countless patients reach their potential. His goal with each procedure is to help his patients achieve a new, beautiful self without sacrificing a natural look and the traits that make them unique.


Plastic surgeon Cain Linville in Houston

Linville Plastic Surgery  

A plastic surgeon is an artist, a problem-solver, and a person who must think outside the box. As one of the few double board-certified plastic surgeons in the region, Dr. Cain Linville helps patients like you make dramatic transformations using his eye for detail and a tailored approach. He is affiliated with organizations like the:

  • American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons - Fellow

If you're ready to explore the possibilities, book your free consultation or call our Houston office at (713)-300-2567.

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